He used etching for the
collection "Divan", published by Josef Weiss with
the text "Armonia del quasi" written by Francesco
He exhibited at Irene Weiss's Atelier, in Tremona (CH) and he
did a personal exhibition in the Leunberger gallery in Zurich.
2005 / 2006
The 2005 and 2006 were characterized by the artistic ferment of the Atelier
Irene Weiss in Tremona (Switzerland) with personal and collective exhibitions.
In 2005 he did the personal exhibition "E’ luce", introduced by Mauro Paolocci.
In August he did the end summer exhibition "Dialogo sull’Arte"
Throughout 2006 ‘Omaggio a Max Weiss’ with cycles of exposures;
at the opening the big size diptic "Porte
Aperte" was exposed.
In september he partecipated to the collective "A
passeggio con l’arte", promoted by the Inter-communal cultural commission Switzerland.
Personal exhibition at Galleria
Sante Moretto - Monticello Conte Otto (Vicenza) – where he presents works
in which the theemes of the La non pittura: I
non luoghi, Civiltà scomparse, desire of Metamorfosi
e trasformazione, Dinamismo dell’uno are deepened.
He presented the book "Viaggio dentro l'Arte", by Antonio Teruzzi - Lorenzo Quattropani in many libraries.
He made the bronze sculpture "Luogo di passaggio" - San Damiano di Brugherio