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Antonio Teruzzi was born in Brugherio, where he lives and works.

His first years as an artist are featured by a figurative painting based on a strong personal print whose goal is to interprete country incisions, animals, human beings, using mixed techniques, oil and fire.
Teruzzi is, above all, a painter but also a sculptor and an engraver. He does frescoes and does not underestimate the applicated arts. When he paints, he loves using pure pigments and sands with complicated and unusual techniques such as encausto on wood or paper, and fresco on tissue or on brilliant plaster applicated to both small and big slabs. He resorts to them in order to acquire particular effects but also because he likes the material used itself. He is fascinated by the idea of gathering materia and spirit, which is one of the most important goals of the old alchemy practice.

Afterwards, Teruzzi's research tends to rarefy air and light of human forms, angels and animals immersed in landscapes evoking earth paradises. Roberto Sanesi described this kind of artistic research in one of his texts referring to Rilkian's poetry that accompanied the first personal exhibition in Milan, in the Galleria Annunciata. From the 80's, he has been using the encausto technique on plaster and slabs in works collecting minimal signs of architectonic contexts. In this period several exhibitions were hold in different places with a special architectonic interest, that is, abbandoned villas, ancient yards and unconsecrated churches where painting and literature joined together.


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